BCO ESG Webinar: Resilient Workplace, Climate Change Risks and Opportunities

At this webinar we will launch our in-depth paper by the BCO Sustainability Committee. Aimed at designers, contractors, investors, owners and developers, this report sets out to answer these questions and explore the issue of climate change impacts, risks and adaptation in the UK’s commercial office sector. It is intended to act as a practical guide to prompt further action for BCO members in what has become a prevalent issue, not only in the construction and property industry but also in the spheres of government, media and the general public.

  • Dates : 28/05/2020 - 28/05/2020
  • Times : 10:30:00 - 11:30:00
  • Venus : Online Webinar
  • National : No
  • Available to non members : No
  • Non member price : £25