Awards - BCO - British Council for Offices Awards - BCO - British Council for Offices

BCO awards 2025

Entries for the 2025 BCO Awards competition open on Wednesday 9 October 2024 and close on Friday 6 December 2024.

All projects for the 2025 Awards must have been completed between 1 January 2020 and 1 November 2024 and the significant use of the building should be for offices. Only the office area will be judged. Projects do not need to be occupied in order to be eligible for submission.

recent awards

National Awards Dinner

JW Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane London

Tuesday, 8 October 2024


All our winners demonstrate outstanding creations, from the strength of British design to clarity of purpose in the brief, ingenuity of product or clever design solutions. Winning a highly respected BCO Award is an accolade to be proud of.

  • Raise your profile among regional and national BCO members
  • Feature online and in the Award Winners Supplement, distributed to 25,000 people
  • Be part of the BCO Awards wider press coverage
  • Benefit from our expert judges’ feedback
  • Receive a trophy and winners’ logo to promote your success
  • Host a tour of your space for BCO members


Entries for the 2025 BCO Awards will open on Wednesday 9 October 2024 and close on Friday 6 December 2024.

To enter, register on the BCO Awards Entry website where you can create multiple entries for each category, region and project.

Regional judging will take place in January and February, followed by regional awards events in spring and early summer 2025. Following national judging, finalists will be announced at the National Awards Dinner with over 1,200 attendees held in London in the autumn.

Winning a highly respected BCO Award is an accolade to be proud of


Awards Entry

One of the BCO’s primary objectives is to define excellence in office space. As part of this objectiveour annual Awards Programme provides public recognition for top quality design and functionality and a benchmark for excellence in workplaces.

The Programme acknowledges innovation and focuses external attention on examples of best practice. Established in 1992, the competition has grown and developed over the years with a number of innovations to categories and the way the Awards are presented:

2000 Corporate, Commercial and Best of the Best categories introduced

2001 Fit Out and Refurbished/Recycled categories added, along with regional prizes

2003 President’s Award added

2006 Innovation Award added

2009 Regional events launched

2011 Test of Time Award added

2017 Changes to the Awards entry process were introduced, along with two additional regional prizes; the Regional Committee Chair Award and the Regional Innovation Award.

2023 Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) Awards category introduced.

2025 Customer Excellence Awards category added.

Entries can be submitted by any member of a project team, should be no older than 4 years from January of the year that the Award is submitted for and the predominant use of the building should be for offices. Please note: only the office area will be judged and projects do not need to be occupied in order to be eligible for submission.

Why enter?
BCO Awards are widely respected within the commercial property sector. They display the strength of British office design and illustrate a combination of excellence from the clarity of purpose in the brief; ingenuity of product; clever design solutions where appropriate; and delivery on time and in budget. Winning a BCO Award provides members of the project team with a multitude of benefits, including:

Regional & National Profile
The BCO Regional Awards events feature all entrants. Winners are announced on stage and go forward to be shown in their winning category at the National Awards Dinner. In total your project can be seen in front of at least 3,500 individuals within the commercial property industry.

Award Winners Supplement
As media partner of the BCO Awards, Estates Gazette publishes our annual Awards Supplement which is distributed to their circulation list in addition to BCO members, and attendees at the National Awards Dinner.

Media coverage cannot be guaranteed but each year the BCO team send out post-event press releases listing our regional and national winners. In previous years coverage has appeared in Estates Gazette, Building Design, AJ, Construction News, The Guardian, and The Times.

Judges Feedback
All entrants receive a copy of their score in comparison to the median score awarded in their category.

Online Presence
All winners are promoted in the winners section. As a winner of our awards your project will be featured in our email newsletters and remain on our website as part of an ever growing library of previous winners.

A Shining Trophy & Award Winners’ Logo
Share the news of your success by displaying the eye-catching BCO trophy and certificate, which each winning project receives, in your reception area. Winners are also provided with a logo which can be used to promote your success in print and online.
Host a Tour
The BCO invite all winners to open their doors for a tour so that our members can take a look around, hear about the successes of the project and meet the team. This provides an excellent opportunity for informal networking and business development.

The BCO Awards are presented at dedicated awards lunches and dinners. These events are a great opportunity for networking and celebrating excellence in office space.


National Awards Dinner 2024

All winners from the Regional Awards will compete in their categories at a national level and also bid to win the property sector’s respected BCO ‘Best of the Best’ award. The National Awards Dinner will be held on Tuesday 8 October 2024 at the Grosvenor House, JW Marriott Hotel, London. Bookings open 3 June 2024.

To submit a project for the BCO Awards you will need to register for our BCO Awards Entry Site.

Once registered you can create multiple entries, which will save as you go along allowing you to return and complete your entry at leisure.

The Awards submission is completed in four easy stages:

ONE: Project team details

Select your category for entry (see section above).
Select your region for entry.
Enter your project details:

  • Project name
  • Project address
  • Project postcode
  • Project size (m2)
  • Project completion date

Enter details for the applicable project team members*:

TWO: Project Information

This is the main part of the submission where you are asked to present your answers to the judges questions in pdf format. The judges questions are reviewed by the judging panels each year but don’t tend to change year on year. To view last year’s questions you can download last year’s Entry Guide from the BCO Awards Entry Site.

THREE: Project Images

Photographs are invaluable to the submission, particularly if they show people using and enjoying the workplace. You are asked to upload 10 different digital photographs (not CAD images) in support of your submission.

FOUR: Submit

Once all stages are complete you will be able to submit and pay for your entry (2024 price per entry: £400+VAT). Payment can be made online by credit/debit card, or by cheque.

If you have any questions regarding entries then please check our frequently asked questions section above or you can contact our awards team.

Regional Categories

Corporate Workplace

This award is open to either a building commissioned by owner-occupiers or a joint venture between a developer and an occupier. This could be a refurbishment or new build, or a combination of the two. The entry will be judged on the combined merits of its base build and fit out.

Commercial Workplace

A new building initiated on a speculative basis for commercial letting including buildings that are substantially pre-let or sold on to an occupier. In this category only the base build will be judged.

Fit Out of Workplace

An award for a space or spaces within a building that will be judged on the interior fit out.

Refurbished/Recycled Workplace

A corporate or commercial building where significant works have been carried out to adapt the existing building to modern office use. A significant proportion of the net internal area needs to be refurbished / recycled.

Projects up to 2,500m2

This award is open to all projects up to 2,500m² of net office area in any of the previous categories.

Innovation (Regional nomination award)

The Innovation Award recognises significant innovation in one or more fields, for example: Unique or differentiated sustainability, wellbeing, information and communications technology, lighting, procurement, social programme, mixed use and regeneration. Winners for this category are nominated and chosen by the regional judges from any of the other categories and announced at the regional awards. All regional winners go on to compete for the National Innovation Award. Please note, the national innovation winner will be chosen by the national judges from any of the regional category winners, including the regional innovation winners.

Environment, Social & Governance (ESG Award) – Regional nomination award

This award recognises a project that will have game changing influence on the environment, social value, governance or sustainable outcomes in the commercial building sector. Winners for this category are nominated and chosen by the regional judges from any of the other categories and presented at the regional awards. All regional winners go on to compete for the National ESG Award.

Regional Committee Chair Award (regional nomination award)

This award is presented by the Regional Committee Chair for an outstanding contribution to the Property Industry in the region. This might be a project, company or individual, or perhaps a combination of all three. The BCO Regional Committee Chair, Regional Judging Chair and BCO Regional Committee choose the recipient of this Award.

National Categories

Best of the Best

The Best of the Best Award will be presented to the project which is deemed particularly exemplary. Chosen from the national winners, this award is a true testimony to the vision shown by the project team.

President’s Award

This special award is presented for an outstanding contribution to the Property Industry. This might be a project, company or individual, or perhaps a combination of all three. The BCO President, Awards Chairman and BCO Chief Executive choose the recipient of this Award.

Test of Time

The Test of Time Award was introduced in 2011 to reward previous BCO award winners that that have proven themselves to live up to their original aspirations and intentions. Each year we approach BCO Award winners from four year’s ago to apply for the Award. If you think you are eligible to apply for this year’s Test of Time Award then please contact us to request further information.

The expertise and commitment shown by our National and Regional judges is superb.

Their dedication helps make the BCO Awards one of the most rigorous judging processes and, therefore, worthwhile in the property industry. Judging panels are made up of BCO members who serve up to three years on the panel. Each year one or two judging panel members change.

If you are interested in joining one of the judging panels then we would like to hear from you.

If you would like to apply to become a judge please download the BCO Judges Application Form  and send it with a copy of your up to date CV to

Chairs of the judging panel will review all applications when a position becomes available and will get in touch with successful applicants directly.

Entries will only be accepted for schemes developed in the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland). Due to logistical considerations, we regret we cannot accept schemes based in the Channel Islands or Outer Isles.

  • The entry may be submitted by the owner or occupier or by any member of their respective teams; the Award will be made to the client for the project.
  • All projects for the 2025 Awards must have been completed between 1st January 2020 and 1st November 2024 and the significant use of the building should be for offices.
  • The project must be over 2,500sqm of net office area, except for the Projects up to 2,500sqm category where projects should be below this size and the Innovation category where there is no size limit.
  • There is no limit to the number of schemes that may be submitted but projects may be submitted for a BCO Award in a particular category only once. Phased projects may have separate phases submitted in appropriate years.
  • Each category entry must be accompanied by an entry fee of £400 plus VAT, with cheques made payable to the “British Council for Offices”. Entry fees are non refundable.
  • The Board of the British Council for Offices, on the recommendation of the panels of judges, may grant Awards in each of the categories and regions. The BCO reserves the right not to grant an Award in any region or category if, in the opinion of the judges, no scheme submitted reaches the standard considered necessary.
  • Judges reserve the right, without prior consent of the entrants, to move entries to different categories if it is more appropriate.
  • Winners of the Awards will be presented with a trophy which will become the property of the client. Certificates will be available to the organisation entering a winning scheme whose name is entered in the submission form. Additional trophies, certificates and plaques will be available at cost.
  • The presentation of the Awards will take place at a BCO Event. Winners may be asked to make a special presentation of the project at a subsequent BCO meeting or visit.
  • BCO reserves the right to use material submitted in published form.
  • Whilst you (or your licensors) continue to own the copyright in all works forming part of your entry, by submitting an entry you consent to our use of your entry in any electronic or hard copy publication, whether or not connected to the BCO Awards, and consent to us editing or adapting the entry for such publication as necessary (including, but not limited to, cropping or resizing an photograph or image). You agree to waive all moral rights in your entry including those in photographic works. We may allow third parties (e.g. journalists) to use the works comprising your entry for BCO purposes. If a third party owns the copyright in such works, you confirm that you have obtained their consent to our use and a waiver of their moral rights for these purposes.
  • The BCO accepts no liability for any inaccurate information contained within the submitted entry as it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide accurate information.
  • Neither the Board of the BCO, nor its Awards Committee or panels of judges, will be responsible for lost submissions.
  • The decision of the Awards Committee will be final and no discussion or correspondence will be entered into.
  • Full submissions must be submitted no later than 5pm on Friday 24 November 2023.

Legal Notice: Entrants shall grant to the BCO an irrevocable royalty-free sublicensable licence to copy and use any documents submitted in relation to a building for all purposes related to the BCO Awards and any other BCO activities. The BCO reserves the right to use material submitted in published form for the benefit of members.


In what format should we supply our entry?
All entries are now submitted using our online system, accessed via the submit your entry page. This process involves entering all the project team data online, uploading a pdf of your main submission document, and uploading your photographs.

Is there a completion date for projects to be entered in the Awards?
Yes, all projects should be no older than 4 years from January of the year that the Award is submitted for. Where possible, a Practical Completion Certificate should be supplied. Projects due to be completed.

What type of photographs do you need?
We need both exterior and interior shots of the building. A selection showing special features of the project as well as some including people if possible.

Our client does not allow photographs with staff in them to be published, is this a problem?
No. We prefer photographs with people in but this is not essential and will not prejudice your entry. However, please mention there is an embargo on this when submitting your entry.

Can we supply CAD instead?

Can I enter the same project in two categories?
You can enter the same project in Commercial and Fit Out or Refurbished/Recycled but not Corporate and Fit Out. This is because the Corporate category includes judging of fit out. You must pay an entry fee for each category entered.

My client has not yet given permission for the entry to be submitted and the closing date is near. Can I enter and then withdraw the entry if necessary?
Yes, please contact CreatEvents ( to clarify the date by which you can withdraw on.

Can I enter a project more than once?
You cannot enter the same project in the same category more than once. If a project is being completed in stages, you can enter Stage 1 the first year and Stage 2 the second year.

National Awards Dinner

Can I reserve a table and pay for it later?
No, table reservations are only confirmed after receipt of payment.

How can I ensure we get a good table position at the Awards?
The front tables are allocated to sponsors and the BCO. Thereafter tables within each zone are allocated on a first-come first-served basis so the earlier you book the better your table position.

Who do I talk to about possibly sponsoring the Awards?
Please contact Victoria Armstrong on 07968 448365 or

How early can I book a table?
There is a priority booking period for BCO members, view our key dates page for information on when bookings open.

I want to book a table but I am not a BCO member myself, however one of my colleagues is. Can I book during the members priority period?
Yes, if you can supply the name and membership number of your colleague on the booking form, otherwise your booking will not be confirmed till after the priority period. View our key dates page for information on when bookings open.

What are the timings for the Dinner?
The evening will start with a drinks reception at 6.30pm. Dinner will be served in the Great Room at 7.30pm. The Awards will start at approximately 9.30pm and will last about an hour. The bars will stay open until 1.30am.

Where can I arrange to meet my guests? / Can I book a hosted bar through the BCO Awards Organiser?
You can book a hosted bar or a private hospitality room by contacting the Grosvenor direct. Call the Hospitality Manager on 020 7399 8122.
Alternatively you can arrange to meet your guests in either the Grosvenor Reception (access off Park Street) or the Red Bar which is situated inside the Great Room entrance off Park Lane.

How do I order wine and extra drinks for my table?
You will be sent a wine order form with your tickets about three weeks before the Awards Dinner. Please note this form should be returned direct to the fax number at the Grosvenor.

Do I have to order my wine in advance?
No, but we always recommend you do so your guests don’t have to wait on the night.

When will the tickets be sent out?
Tickets will be sent out three weeks before the event. Please note they will be sent to the person whose contact details are on the booking form unless otherwise requested.

One of my guests has lost his ticket, does he need one to get in to the Dinner?
No, as long as you have provided their name to the organiser, they will be allowed in.

What is the menu for the event?
The menu will be sent to you with the Wine Order Form and tickets three weeks before the event.

I don’t like the menu, can I order anything different?
Unfortunately the chef cannot provide individual meals just as a matter of choice. You can however order the vegetarian option instead but please note that these must be ordered in advance at least 48 hours before the Dinner, otherwise the Grosvenor will make an extra charge.

Can I choose to have the vegetarian option on the night?
You can but there is no guarantee it will be available and, if it is, the Grosvenor will make an extra charge as these meals should be ordered in advance. You should order vegetarian meals by completing the section on the Wine Order Form and returning it to the Grosvenor at least 48 hours before the dinner.

What do I do if I have a food allergy or special dietary requirement?
On your Wine Order Form, you will find a place to fill in special dietary requirements or requests for vegetarian meals. Please complete this and return it to the Grosvenor at least 48 hours before the Dinner. The chef will then devise an alternate meal for you. Please note we cannot specify exactly what this meal will be.

One of my guests requires a Kosher meal, can this be arranged?
Yes but this needs to be ordered at least 48 hours in advance and the Grosvenor makes an extra charge as this has to be brought in specially. In 2007 the cost of a Kosher meal was over £100 plus VAT. Please contact the Hospitality Department at the Grosvenor House on 020 7399 8122 to check cost and order any Kosher meals.

What is the Dress Code?
National Awards Dinner – Black tie for gentlemen, cocktail or long dress for ladies.

Do you have a special bedroom rate at the venue?
Yes, please request a Hotel Accommodation Form from BCO Awards Enquiries

Do you have a list of hotel accommodation with special rates near the venue?
Yes, please request a Hotel Accommodation Form from

I haven’t got all the names for my Guest List and the deadline is approaching, what should I do?
Send in the names you have, additional names can be added to the main guest list later but will not appear in the printed programme.

One of my guests has just dropped out and I need to change the name on the table, can I do this?
Yes, please send an email to with the name of the person who has dropped out and the name of their replacement and we will amend the place card.

My guests have all confirmed too late to be in the programme, is it worth my sending their names in now?
Yes because as well as place cards, we produce a table plan on the night with all the names which will help your guests find their table.


Can I reserve a table and pay for it later?
No. Table reservations are only confirmed after receipt of payment.

How can I ensure we get a good table position at the Awards?
The front tables are allocated to sponsors and the BCO. Thereafter tables are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis so the earlier you book, the better your table position.

Who do I talk to about possibly sponsoring the Awards?
Please contact Victoria Armstrong on 07968 448365 at

How early can I book a table?
The Regional Awards table bookings open to BCO members and non members in December.

What are the timings for the events?
Regional Dinners
The evening will start with a drinks reception at 7pm. Dinner will be served at 7.30pm. The Awards will start at approximately 9.30pm and will last about half an hour.
Regional Lunches
The lunch will start with a drinks reception at 12pm. Lunch will be served at 12.30pm. The Awards will start at approximately 2pm and will last about half an hour.

How do I order wine and extra drinks for my table?
You will be sent a wine order form about three weeks before the event.

Do I have to order my wine in advance?
No, but we always recommend you do, so your guests don’t have to wait.

Will we get tickets?
Tickets will not be sent out for the Regional Awards events.

What is the menu for the event?
The menu will be sent to you with the Wine Order Form three weeks before the event.

I don’t like the menu, can I order anything different?
Unfortunately the chef cannot provide individual meals just as a matter of choice. You can however order the vegetarian option instead but please note that these must be ordered in advance.

Can I choose to have the vegetarian option on the night?
You can but there is no guarantee it will be available.

What do I do if I have a food allergy or special dietary requirement?
On your Wine Order Form, you will find a place to fill in special dietary requirements or requests for vegetarian meals.

What is the dress code?
For all Awards Dinners – Black tie for gentlemen, cocktail or long dress for ladies.
For all Awards Lunches – Lounge suit for gentlemen and smart dress for ladies.

Do you have a list of hotel accommodation near the event venue?
Yes, please contact our events team and they will source the best options for your guests.

I haven’t got all the names for my Guest List and the deadline is approaching, what should I do?
Send in the names you have, additional names can be added to the main guest list later but will not appear in the printed programme.

Will place cards be provided?
No, we ask that the table hosts bring place cards with them.

My guests have all confirmed too late to be in the programme, is it worth my sending their names in now?
Yes because we produce a table plan with all the names which will help your guests find their table.


The BCO is run by a series of committees covering research, the regions, our awards programme and the next generation.
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The BCO champions diversity, equity, and inclusion, broadening the office sector and promoting participation from all backgrounds.
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As one of the premier award ceremonies in the UK property calendar the BCO Awards delivers real value to its sponsors.
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The BCO is dedicated to supporting its members' mental health and wellbeing by providing links to sources of support through networks regionally and centrally. 
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