Lets Talk World Suicide Prevention Day 2021

It could be you, a design team member, a client, or a subcontractor on the construction site. Mental Health issues and suicidal thoughts can affect anyone. The BCO in Scotland wants to create a lasting legacy that ensures our members – and others in the property and construction sectors – feel safe and protected, in the workplace, on site and at home.
With our membership – and the property and construction sectors generally – being strongly represented by men, who we know are statistically more likely to take their own lives, we know there is an immediate and overwhelming need to signpost help and make sure that people know what help is available.
We are starting a conversation with our Committee members and wider membership about how we can help to prevent suicides. We have begun to approach organisations that offer support to people facing crisis, so we can educate ourselves about the most appropriate way to offer support.
We believe that any future initiative to raise awareness, signpost support and fundraise for these crucial services, should be industry-wide, so we would like to start a conversation within the BCO about how we create a sea-change and support people in their workplace and at any time of need. We would like to link up with others in the industry who have already started this conversation and want to get involved.
To get in touch, contact mail@bco.org.uk.