BCO Midlands & Orangebox Research Seminar: Generation Playlist | Higher education’s impact on workplace
Orangebox will present the latest higher education research and the ways this could influence contemporary workplace design followed by a Q&A session. Aukett Swanke and BCU will also discuss the recent development of STEAMHouse for BCU.
Speakers include:
• Nathan Hurley, Orangebox
• Simon Davies, Aukett Swanke
• Paul Davis, Deputy Director of Estates & Facilities (Development) BCU
- Dates : 21/02/2024 - 21/02/2024
- Times : 16:30:00 - 18:30:00
- Venue : STEAMHouse, Birmingham City University, Belmont Row, Birmingham B4 7RQ
Birmingham - National : No
- Region : Midlands
- Available to non members : Yes
- Non member price : £20.83 ex VAT (25.00 incl VAT)