The Urban Group Needs You!

Free thinking, ambitious, pro-active members with great ideas that will provoke debate and challenge convention as to how the workplace does or should sit and interact with its surrounding environment.
The Urban Group was established to look at the way the office and workspace interacts with the surrounding urban environment. To communicate the growing importance of this relationship and to share knowledge and examples of where we have got it right, where we may have not and how the future might look. The Urban Group has the flexible remit to encourage alternative thinking, challenge convention or simply support best practice.
We wish to invite members interested in the built environment to submit proposals for an exhibition, a seminar, an external speaker, a site visit, a research project or any other event that may be relevant to satisfy the groups remit.
This is a unique opportunity to chair an event which will be promoted to members, to discuss issues that are important to you and your organisation and contribute to the arena of debate, allowing us to share knowledge across the industry.
Proposals will be assessed by the Urban Group and successful candidates will be mentored and assisted by a committee member. Subject to agreement, it is intended that successful candidates will then serve on the Urban Group, replacing their mentors and until the next group are identified.
Should you wish to make a proposal, please email –